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Today is Mary’s Birthday. She is in the zoo with her parents.

Mary and her parents go to see the pandas. There are two pandas. A panda is eating bamboos and the other one is sleeping. Mary’s father is taking photographs of the pandas because they look lovely.

After that, Mary’s parents bring her to see the lions. There are three lions on a big rock. Mary can also see a giraffe far away. The giraffe has a very long neck. It is the tallest animal in the zoo.

Mary likes the zoo a lot. She and her parents have a good time in the zoo.


T: Teacher, S: Student 


T: Today is Mary’s _____________________. (Prompt, Completion)

S: Birthday.

T: Correct. (Evaluation)
     Let’s read together. Today is Mary’s Birthday. (Expansion)

S: Today is Mary’s Birthday. (Repetition)


T: What is the name of the zoo? (Prompt, Wh- question)

S: The Happy Zoo.

T: You are right. (Evaluation)
     Please read with me. The name of the zoo is the Happy Zoo. (Expansion)

S: The name of the zoo is the Happy Zoo. (Repetition)


T: What is your favourite animal and why? (Prompt, Distancing)


T: In the zoo, one panda is sleeping and the other one is ___________. (Prompt, Completion)

S: Eating bamboos.

T: Correct. (Evaluation)
     Let’s read together. In the zoo, one panda is sleeping and the other one is eating
     bamboos. (Expansion)

S: In the zoo, one panda is sleeping and the other one is eating bamboos. (Repetition)


T: Why is Mary’s father taking photographs of the pandas? (Prompt, Wh- question)

S: Because they look lovely.

T: You are right. (Evaluation)
     Please read with me. Mary’s father is taking photographs of the pandas because they 

     look lovely. (Expansion)
S: Mary’s father is taking photographs of the pandas because they look lovely. (Repetition)


T: Have you ever seen any pandas in Hong Kong? Where are they? (Prompt, Distancing)


T: How many lions are there in the zoo? (Prompt, Wh- question)

S: Three.

T: You are right. (Evaluation)
     Please read with me. There are three lions in the zoo. (Expansion)

S: There are three lions in the zoo. (Repetition)


T: What are the animals doing in the third picture? (Prompt, Open-ended)


T: Let's recall the story, what is the panda eating in the zoo? (Prompt, Recall)

S: Bamboos.

T: Correct. (Evaluation)
     Let’s read together. The panda is eating bamboos in the zoo. (Expansion)

S: The panda is eating bamboos in the zoo. (Repetition)


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